Search ADHD for great insights into understanding the challenges and strengths that come from ADHD as well as recommended careers for ADHD teens to consider.
A wealth of information about abuse and online exploitation including a number of online training opportunities. Also includes a free 23 minute foundational training video on Safeguarding Children from Sexual Abuse
Standing Up for Children: A Christian Response to Child Abuse and Neglect - These free training videos talk about walking with abuse victims in the church.
It’s not Your Fault: A Practical Guide to Navigating the Pain and Problems from Your Parents' Divorce by Joey Pontarelli. A practical and personal book, guiding teens and young adults from broken homes as they navigate the challenges they face - both emotionally and spiritually.
Understanding Gender Dysphoria. Mark Yarhouse invites the church to come alongside the vulnerable and listen to their stories. This book is a rick combination of research, counselling practice, theology and compassion.
24 hour text support line from - Text 877-352-4497 to talk with a trained support worker. The support person typically stays involved for 2-4 weeks to help the teens learn skills and make choices for dealing with the situation.
Search “The Most Important Part of any Conversation” to recognize the spiritual importance of being intentional in a deeper conversation with another person and with God.
With a focus on prevention, this training program gives proven strategies for safely defusing anxious, hostile, or violent behaviour at the earliest possible stage